I seriously love a good Friday Favorites, but I decided this Friday I would talk about two of my favorites, Elliot and Dixie! I love looking back and seeing a little view of what they were like at a certain age. I'm linking up with these ladies and can't wait to read through all the Friday Favorites! Oh one last thing, for all you ladies that had the S Town Podcast as a favorite, thanks for that! I listened to it on my way down and back from Iowa and was HOOKED! I even went back to the first season of Serial. My life has been changed!
Elliot {4 years, 8 months}
{1} Elliot is in a rough patch sleeping. The girl just wants to shnuggle. I know this is mostly my fault, but how can you deny a shnuggle. She will fall asleep perfectly if you let her fall asleep by you on the couch, sometimes she wakes up when we move her to the bed and then that is an issue, sometimes she doesn't. I would have to say this is mine and J's first big parenting disagreement. I'm more laid back where I'm like well this won't last forever, who cares and he is more she needs to sleep in her own bed. We go back and forth about it. But for now, I seriously can't get enough of the shnuggles!
{2} Home girl LOVES to sing. She #cantstop #wontstop. I love it! Lately she has been very much into the sound tracks from Sing and Beauty and the Beast!
{3} She is starting to get just a wee bit sassy and picking up on things from other kids at preschool. Yesterday she called J a jerk when he told her not to let our dog in because it was nice out and he should run around. Needless to say the girl went straight to bed. Where do they learn these things?! My goodness. She also is starting to get semi self conscious about her outfits which breaks my heart because she always has had her own style. Thankfully I tell her that she should wear whatever she wants.... most days ;) Here are some of her best ones yet!
{4} Elliot continues to be the best big sister around. She adores Dixie and will do anything to make her laugh. She also continuously encourages her to work on standing and bear crawling!
{5} Every time we ask Elliot what she would like for dinner she goes mac and cheese, pizza, peanut butter and jelly, in that order. That girl could live off those three items. I mean couldn't we all?!?! She also cannot survive the morning without her "monkey milk" for those of you with picky eaters look at this to add some vitamins to their diet!
Dixie { 22 months)
{1} Dixie got her little ankle braces about a week and a half ago and she's really doing well in them! She is standing better and feeling more confident. I'm really hoping these help her walk before two years old!
{2} Her vocab is really starting to come together! She doesn't exactly say the words but she's pretty good at saying please, Elliot, up, down, night night, bye bye, hi, and a ton of others! The world Elliot she is so proud of. I love hearing her say it! She loves her sister more than anything! She also lets Elliot pick out her outfits sometimes ;)
{3} With her delay in talking (honestly I really don't think its much of a delay) we have been working on sign language. Holy smokes is she smart, she catches up on it right away! So far we have more, all done, and thank you! I'm thinking we work on milk and please next!
{4} Dixie is offically over 20 lbs! What a peanut! She is going through a little spurt where she doesn't love to eat, but right now her favorites are apple sauce, string cheese, and ranch with a side of cucumber ha!
{5} This girl gives the best hugs and kisses. They can't make you melt!