How is it already Monday? I'm just baffled by this! Let's just start with saying it was a real rough Monday morning. I set my alarm for 4:45 which is 15 minutes earlier than normal. I knew I needed to wash my hair (am I the only one that puts this off till the LAST minute?), well Elliot was up a couple times in the middle of the night so when my alarm went off I shut it off and said nope, not going to workout this morning. I fell back asleep rolled over and saw 5:25 and kept thinking, never miss a Monday workout, never miss a Monday workout, and tried figuring out when I could squeeze it in later and I couldn't. So I got up and did a short 30 minute cardio workout. Guess who's hair didn't get washed? Guess who looks like a greasy rat today? Hey at least I'm bettering my health? So I got up at 5:30 and was out the door by 7:00 which meant working out, showering, getting ready, getting both girls ready, getting Elliot's lunch packed, and all in the car. Man bad choices I tell you. Next time I'm getting up at 4:45.
Friday I got a call about mid way through the day that Elliot just wasn't feeling like her self and that she had a bloody nose and a stuffy nose. Well I picked her up from preschool and work was swamped so she was stuck with me at the office. That girl, she was EXHAUSTED, but she refused to nap, she always refuses to nap. She also is on a boycott of sleeping in her own bed. If we make her sleep in her own bed she wakes up ever 30 minutes crying. Sometimes we let her sleep on her bedroom floor and she will make it a couple hours. If she sleeps with me, never wakes up, not even once. So frustrating! The weather was absolutely gorgeous Friday so when we got home I drug the girls out to the deck and we bundled up in the hammock and had snacks and read a magazine. It was fantastic!

Saturday we were heading to a lake about an hour away to fish for the day and night but we took our sweet time getting ready to leave. Jason was already there. I love Saturday mornings where you can wake up, having some coffee and lay around with the kids before really getting up for the day. We did just that! Then I decided to get a quick workout in. I love Jillian Michael's workout DVDs. Seriously she kicks your butt in a very short amount of time. Well I've been doing her 90 day body revolution and got to a new level of her cardio DVD. I thought I was going to die, legit falling over during planks. My goodness. We got out on the lake and had a really relaxing day and even woke up to the prettiest sunrise before we headed home for a day full of cleaning YUCK!
After cleaning Elliot wanted to make some Valentine's Day cookies and we did just that to end or relaxing evening!
Just for fun here are a couple pictures of the girls this morning, Elliot ready for her Valentine's Day party and Dixie rocking the pink too!
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