Remember me? Its been a while! Rightfully so, which we will definitely get into another day but for now lets catch up on the biggest change!
Lion, and Tiger, and BEAR, oh my! Baby K #3 will be due in a very short 2.5 months from now!
But we will touch on that topic and why else I've been absent at a different time. For now I'm so excited for 2018 and ready to start blogging again!
I'm linking up to talk goals and resolutions for 2018! I really liked the format that
Lindsay's Sweet World had where she broke them into categories so I'm going to do that as well! I'm going to preface this with a little story here. I have a good friend that is wise beyond her years and will always ask me about resolutions, I used to find it funny, but she would give such great resolutions, meaningful ones, that it made me want to do it too. The first year I gave her an actual one was quite a while ago when I said I want to make it intentional to be happy. I don't think that happiness comes by nature for a lot of people, I truly think its something you need to be intentional about. That year I definitely was intentional about being happy and it changed my life. This year she asked me again like normal and I responded "to be honest I just want to survive". That has been my motto for the last few months and what I was going to stick with going into 2018. A couple weeks later I realized that was a pretty shitty way to start 2018, that I need to make more of it, be more intentional, and get out of this funk. So when I saw the link up I knew it was time to write down some notes and get 2018 in full swing!
I feel like I do pretty dang well on the personal aspect of things. Could I be a little better about getting ready to look better? Yes, definitely yes. But I take time to myself, never afraid to admit to J I'm overwhelmed and need help, and spoil myself from time to time. What I would like to do is be a bit more giving. Giving in time, giving in money, and giving in relationships. I'm pretty selfish when it comes to my personal time, which isn't a bad thing, but I know there is more I could be doing to help those in need!
First and foremost I HAVE to work on my relationship with my hubby. It's not in a bad spot by any means but I no doubt put him on the back burner, to be honest the wayyyyyyyyyyy back burner. He is so good about letting me focus on myself and the girls. I feel so bad. This year if I had to have one major goal, it would be to be a better wife. Right now my definitely of being a good wife is letting him go on guys trips, or fishing and hunting trips and not complaining about taking care of the girls. There is SO much more.
Out of all my goals, this would be my second, I need a better relationship with God. No doubt, hands down I need it. 2017 shook me to the core. I have to have a belief that there is something bigger, that this is out of my control, and that everything will be okay. I read once (which I'm not sure if this is true) that in the bible the subject of worry is talked about most. I worry, I worry so much. I need to know that everything is going to be exactly how it is supposed to. I really think this has been in the process for a while because there is no way I would of gotten pregnant on purpose. We were shooting for September to get pregnant and if we would of waited and not been surprised I know there was enough stress with Dixie in September that one we wouldn't of tried, but two we probably wouldn't of been able to get pregnant with the stress. It's taken me a while to realize that this baby happened exactly when it should of and if that isn't a sign from above I'm not sure what is :) Lucky for me we attend (not nearly enough) a wonderful church, with an amazing core for support and I am excited to get more involved in that. I also started reading the one year bible so that should be fun as well!
I've done pretty dang good about cutting out bad relationships over the last few years, but this time I've kicked it up a notch. My goal is to cut off ties with anyone that is negative. Why? Why be a part of something like that? It brings a person down, it ruins your mood, and it wastes your precious time.
No cell phones from 4 - 8. I'm not sure I have it in the right category but it's staying here. I go in spurts where I'm great, then I go in spurts where I'm not so great. There is nothing on my phone that is more important that what is in my house. I need to focus on that. Not to mention Elliot has entered the world of youtube. It's crazy y'all! She will zone out! I do not want her to see me do the same thing and think its okay to sit and stare at a phone.
For the love of God I need to figure out a laundry routine. J and I have a pretty ideal situation, he does dishes and I do laundry. I cannot get it done though. Washing it? Totally doable. Folding it? Totally doable. Putting it away? FAIL! I will line up laundry baskets of clean clothes on my floor of our not so big master bedroom. I need to just get them put away! Lately I've been washing/drying a load of laundry in the morning before everyone gets up, this should give me time to get a load put away in the afternoon/evening without it feeling like so much work. Any tips would sure be appreciated!
This is a goal I CANNOT wait to check off my list. Kid clothing! This is the last baby, period, even if its a girl. So when this baby comes out, we get to start getting rid of soooooo many hand me downs. I'm not lying when I say I'm sitting on 27 totes of boy clothes. 27! I'm so thankful for the hand me downs, but if we have a third girl and I stored 27 totes for 5 years for nothing, I might burn those suckers. Just kidding, they are my sisters, so they can do what they please with them. But I'll have some serious storage space opened up! I will say, speaking of if we have another girl (which is what I'm thinking) I really am over the comments of well won't you try for a boy, as if three girls isn't good enough. I'm the youngest of three girls, and as much as I really would LOVE to have a boy, I think I'm pretty dang awesome. So there is that.
Once again this is something I'll go more into at a later time but when I found out I was pregnant unexpectedly and Dixie's problems my give a damn was completely busted. You know what I enjoy most in life? Eating. No lie. J laughs at me because myself (and my family) are consistently talking about food, planning our life around food, and even planning vacations for food. I truly enjoy eating. So what did I do? Eat. I ate alllllllllllllllll the bad foods. All of them and all the time. It was glorious, until I started feeling like a pile of absolute crap. My heartburn was out of this world, I was tired, I was achy, and I had zero energy. Nothing like a little reminder why you started to eat better. So 2018 is bringing back the better eating. I'm not talking about being strict. I'm talking about just being more intentional. Not letting the produce go to waste, making sure we eat veggies with dinner every night. We used to have a policy that the girls snacks needed to come out of the fridge, we let that slide, we need to get back to that.
Surprisingly I haven't gained a ton this pregnancy even with the bad eating and NO exercise, that being said I need to get back to working out. Anything is better than nothing at this point. Once the baby is here I am hoping for three hard workouts a week and two lighter workouts/walks with the girls.
Elliot- man oh man this girl.... She is so kind, so patient and so loving. She has had the brunt of all of this year. She's dealt with a tired, less enthusiastic momma and been put on the back burner with Dixie's needs. You know what? She hasn't even been phased. This girl deserves more attention, not needs, but deserves more. I have a goal to do more with just her. More bubble baths, more going to the movies, more out to eat. She is the best big sister and the kindest soul out there.

I could go on and on about Dixie but as far as goals go, I have that girl covered. She will have a rough transition of not being the baby, I know that. But that girl is so loved and so cared for I know 2018 is going to be big for her.

Overall with the kids, I need to have better patience. I know that much. I don't have many memories of my parents snapping or yelling at me, and maybe that is just due to remembering the best parts. But I know I snap and yell far too often and that is going to get worked on in 2018!
I'll end this little post with a list of
Garvin and Co's resolutions from 2017 which she recently posted, and I feel fit perfectly and hope to add in as well :)
More memory making, less social media. More new recipes, less donuts. More date nights, less obligations. More presence, less multitasking. More praying, less worrying. More intention, less clutter. MORE LOVE, less of everything else."