{1} Baby Bumping! I love writing down a few little notes along the way so I can look back and remember everything :)
How far along: 32 weeks (8 months)
Gender: Surprise! But I'm totally thinking a girl. I'm the youngest of three girls and I just feel like this pregnancy is oh so similar to my others. I would say the biggest difference is this baby is a ninja. Non-stop this baby is going completely crazy. People have always said before that some jabs hurt, I never knew that until this pregnancy!
Best moment this month: Hands down my favorite is that every evening after din and putting the girls to bed I'll have my ice cream treat and the baby goes crazy. I love love love feeling the movements.
Worst moment this month: Heartburn. So bad. I would say over half the nights I throw up in my sleep due to heartburn. Which I don't know if you've ever done that but it is awful. Also I would say I've finally reached a point in belly size that a lot of stuff is limiting. It's starting to get really hard to get laundry baskets up and down there stairs and through doors. I'm still carrying Dixie and between the big coats and the belly and her it is just a lot. To get her in the car seat is quite a bit of a workout right now. I'm lucky she's a peanut yet!
Miss anything: I'm ready for an adult beverage. I'm also really really ready for warmer weather. We finally have a stretch in the 30's and it feels like heaven!
Cravings: I pretty much eat all day long. For real, doesn't matter what it is, I want it. I need a lock on our pantry. I cannot stop.
{2} I'm pretty much a pro in food right now so I thought I'd post some of my favorite treats! All of these are such a great sweet treat after dinner! I try to not eat horrible things, honestly I have no will power though. Last week I was kid free in target and you all know that never goes well, next thing you know I came home with a tub of ice cream, chocolate syrup and malt mix. Lets just say the ice cream is pretty much gone. #Maltsforlife

{3} I've mentioned on here before my love for an adult beverage or two, so I've been in search for something to fill that void. I think I've found it in Ocean Spray Moctails and Ginger Zevia. I'm not a huge zevia person, I find most of them awfully sweet, but the ginger one is SO good. I can't wait to use it in Moscow Mules.... oh wait I'm supposed to be talking mocktails. Yes, ok here it is! Take a wine glass, fill with ice, squirt of real lemon and then the moctail splash and top with ginger zevia. SO good!

{4} Annie's Cheddar Puffs. Seriously I'm kind of ashamed to admit this but I LOVE me some cheetos, crunchy or puffy. These are a nice alternative and make me feel slightly better when I shovel them in my mouth!
{5} This weather! Man who knew the 30's could feel SO good! I'm over this cold weather! We got outside and it was so so so good for the soul!
That is all I have for the week! Can't wait to get out and enjoy the weekend and SKOL VIKINGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!
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