Hi I'm Kristi! This pictures is actually from over a year ago. Is that bad to admit? But it is the last solo selfie I've taken not pregnant. What can I say I love me some pictures with my babies. Looking at this picture I'm like huh, I should really put a little bit more effort into my makeup again. Hey maybe in a couple years when I'm not pregnant or have an infant.

I actually look more like this now ;) Thank you fluid retention! I can joke about this but in all reality I know its all worth it. Two more months! This pregnancy has completely flown by. For real, I feel like I just got pregnant and honestly it surprises me that I've known since July.
So I thought I'd share a couple fun facts with you all if you don't know me personally.
{1} I seriously struggle with the blogging world. I LOVE reading blogs. Love it. I get so much great information from products to parenting to style. I cannot get enough. I'm always like I should blog because I love reading other blogs that are a big mix match of information, but then I come to blog and I'm like hmmmm am I being vain? Is this sounding weird? So then I don't for a while, then I come back. It is hit or miss, but I'm really going to try and stick it out this year because I'm always looking for random blogs to read so I hope this helps someone out. Plus looking back on all the memories is SO fun.
{2} Alright now that I got that off my chest I can move on. I'm a thirty year old mom of two (soon to be three) wifey that lives in (and LOVES) Minnesota and I work in agriculture. I work in a male dominated field and I don't mind it one bit! There is something that I really really love about Minnesota. It's so damn pretty and surprisingly there is a heck of a lot to do. Not to mention, we don't have the nick name of Minnesota Nice for no reason, people are seriously great here. I might be feeling extra nostalgic right now due to the Minnesota Miracle for the Vikings on Sunday but man its great.
{3} Family is my focus. I love my family. There is nothing better than getting to raise your babies around family. My husband says I'm depressed when my parents go South for a bit and he's probably right and my dad probably gets sick of me when I "randomly" swing by their house 4 times a week when they are home.
{4} I am extremely outgoing. I've been called intimidating before and I'm not so sure that is in a good way. It's quite funny because as outgoing as I am, I am the biggest home body. It takes a whole lot to get me out of the house, but when I do, game on. I truly love conversation with people, even politics, even politics from people that completely different views from me. Seriously! I love it. Usually my husband has to pry me away from a conversation and I've been known to talk to our babysitters for way longer than I need to when I get home from a date night. Whoops!
{5} A little over a year ago I started using our nice camera that we got as a wedding present five years before that ;) I learned quite a bit from Laura at www.laurabirdblog.com she would take the most beautiful pictures of her boys and I decided that is what I want. I want pretty pictures of the girls doing normal every day activities to look back on. The key isn't the nice camera, it is that I got a better lens for it!
{6} Have you ever seen that sign that says "I'm outdoorsy in the fact that I like a beer on the patio"? That was me until three years ago. For real I did not go outside, unless it was with a drink in hand, even in the summer. Definitely did not go outside in the winter. I'm pretty sure my oldest daughter probably had no idea what it was like to be outside running around unless it was with her dad. I don't know how I switched, I'm going to say because of the hubby, he loves being outside. Now I love to be outside, camping, fishing (both in the summer and ice fishing), hiking, hammocking (is that a verb? I decided to make it one) and just relaxing. There is something about fresh air that just the body good. I laugh because I'll look back at when I was pregnant with my first, I seriously got home from work around 3:30 pm and sat and watched tv until 6 pm when the hubby got home then after dinner went to bed. I was laaaaaaaaazy!
{7} I cannot stay up late for the life of me. Seriously, I just can't. The few times I do {which almost always is because of a few adult beverages} I am CRABBY the next day. Nothing makes me happier than being sleeping by 9 pm and waking up early. I say 9 pm, but really right now I go to bed between 7:30 and 8:30. For real I love to go to bed early. As much as I love to go to bed early, I love getting up early. When I'm actually working out I would get up at 4:45 am, right now I get up at 5:30 so I can get ready and have 20 - 30 mins of quiet time before anyone else is awake to have coffee. On the weekends during the quite time I tend to use that time on my phone, but during the weeks lately I've put a load of laundry in the washer and dryer and picked up the living room and kitchen. What a difference that 20 mins makes! It's fantastic!
{8} Okay this next part, I'm not trying to brag, but people frequently call me super mom. Which I take as seriously the best compliment ever. To be honest I'm not even close to that, I have really really good girls. I can probably count on one hand how many times my children have had a legit melt down. I don't know what it is, but they make parenting a BREEZE. For the times that they are little shits, I have the ability to mentally completely block it out (usually with a glass of wine). I just love "doing" things with the girls. Baking, getting outside, going fun places, I just love all those memories. I get asked all the time how do you camp with the girls or fish with the girls. Seriously they make everything easy. I just told the hubby last night, if this is a boy, I'm not even going to know what to do. Along with super easy kids, I have a husband that does a lot. I'm a firm believer in the whole 50/50 role for parenting and home life especially when both parents are working. There is a good chance my hubby does more than me around the house. He cooks, he cleans, he runs places for me when he can, he does the trash, I mean seriously he does so much I just don't ever feel stressed that I don't have time to get everything I need to get done done.
{9} I somehow turned kind of hippy after having Elliot. My birth plan with Elliot was as many drugs and epidurals as I could get. Somehow I progressed too fast and ended up birthing her drug free. Since then I've really tried to limit my use of medical drugs. It kind of just progressed since then. Dixie is cloth diapered which I would of NEVER dreamed of doing with Elliot, I actually probably would of laughed in your face if you suggested it. Part of the cloth diapering is due to the fact that there are a billion other things I would rather spend my money on than diapers so there is that too. I think eating better and fitness are the best cures for feeling like junk. I often wonder why thinking that and knowing that isn't enough for me to make me eat good all the time? But that is for another time.
{10} Okay this has to be the last one because I feel like I've rambled and everyone probably stopped reading a lonnnnnnnnnnnnng time ago. I truly am happy. I love being happy. It is something I work on every.single.day. Obviously I have my down days, far more than I would like over the last 8 months, but for the most part I just choose to be happy because who knows how long we will get to stick around this amazing life.
Here are some snapshots from the last month as well :)

Thank you so much for linking up with us, Kristi! I loved learning more about you. You have a beautiful family! I've struggled with blogging too and feeling the same way. It's not always easy to come on here and share things about yourself or your family and I am always worried that I don't want to come off as bragging or sounding vain either. But then I think about all of the memories we have to look back on and all of the amazing women I've had the chance to connect with, and it always keeps me coming back for more. Sierra~Beautifully Candid
ReplyDeleteI would love to pick your brain about having (almost) three kids. I am thinking about it as well. You look great! I love reading about your family and getting to know you more. Thank you for linking up with us!
ReplyDeleteMy picture in my post was a year old, too! Eek, guess I need a new one! Super fun learning more about you. Minnesota does seem like such a neat place, and pretty for sure!