
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Show and Tell Tuesdays {School Pictures}

I'm linking up with Andrea for show and tell Tuesday.

 I love these posts! Let me pre-warn you I am not good at planning. So this morning I had no idea what I would do since I didn't take any picture of my old pictures before I started this. I decided to see if I had any on Facebook, well turns out I'm obsessive  really good at posting pictures, including past ones that I found a bit there, and then my mom sent me some. Let me tell you it was HILARIOUS to see these pictures again. Brace yourself for these! 

Lets start with my "cute age" I think I was actually a super cute toddler. 

OK OK, this isn't my cutest one... but I had to put it on because check out that hair. Man I was cool. 

This is when I thought I got super cute! I mean  really, those pigtails? My mom took way more effort with my hair back then than I have ever taken with Elliot's. Whoopsie! 

See I was way head of my time, duck face and all ;) 

This year we got to take a picture with our favorite item. Of course I chose the gigantic stuffed dog my grandparents got me for Christmas my Kindergarten year. This is also the phase where my mom thought she would perm all of our hair. I slept with that stuffed animal until I got married. Lets just say it doesn't look like that anymore. 

Then my parents decide to move to Arizona. I feel like this was an early midlife crisis for them as we had really started over in life and they were working long hours. Apparently they missed the memo on school picture day and all three of us girls looked ridiculous in this year's picture. I do have to say it probably is one of my favorite pictures though because it shows how we probably looked on a daily basis ;) 
Sweet headband Kristi. 
I redeemed myself the next year with this super awesome red jumper. 
Arizona was short lived and we moved back to the Midwest. Safe to say I still was a little bit of a struggle at this age. Don't worry I did eventually get braces in high school and stopped with the slicked back hair. 

I went through a little bit of a chunky phase and improved through high school but here are some pictures along the way. 
This was me in 7th grade. Tommy Hilfiger was all the rage. Honestly I still smile like this most the time. 
This was summer before 10th grade. Oh man to go back to the crunchy gelled hair, raccoon eyes, and hemp necklaces. I was too cool. 

My sisters wedding with all my best friends before 10th grade. This summer we pretty much LIVED together. All the time we were together. The girl all the way on the right was my best friend since I moved back to the Midwest. When we were 17, Kelsey died in a car accident. Not a day goes by that I don't think about her. 

Right after my sister's wedding and before I started 10th grade I hacked all my hair off. I mean if Reese Witherspoon could do it anyone could right?!

Next are two of my formals. One I wore a nightgown silky dress and the other it took both my sisters to zip. My senior year I got a little small.. probably too small and just so happened to gain some of it back between buying my prom dress and actual prom. Lets just say both sisters had to zip it up, one told me I looked like I had a butt crack on my back (sisters are the best), I couldn't breathe all night, and I ripped the slit up to my crotch trying to dance that night. Live and learn. Thank god for flowy styles now. 

Now to end off I'm going to do some comparisons... 

Me vs. Elliot at a similar age. Not seeing any resemblance.

Me vs. Elliot same age. Now I see the resemblance. 

Don't I look just like Dixie?!?! That's actually my middle sister on the left. Everyone tells me Dixie looks just like her Auntie Tara :)

Hope you had fun digging through all these pictures. They got a tad bit longer than they actually needed to but hey, its a good walk down memory lane! 


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